Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Season 8, Let's go!

Just making a quick post to wish anyone reading good luck in season 8! I ended up finishing in 5th place in silver league, which I'm happy with.

I played the all important placement match, and I ended up losing to a Top 8 Gold Zerg. I was pretty bummed, and it as the results popped up I was put back into Silver. I hopped into another match real quick and it was a TvT. I used the Thorzain build that I recently made a post about, and after all but starving him for minerals I ended up winning. Expecting this to be the first win in the long process of actually getting promoted during the season, I let the results load and it stalled for a bit. Finally, an unexpected message popped up...Here it is:

BOOYAH! Promoted to Gold League!
I am so happy that I finally made it into Gold :D 
Next stop Platinum, but who knows how far away that is.  

Good luck!


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