Monday, June 25, 2012

New league, new struggles.

I'm through my first 50 games, and I'm ready to try to work though out all of the troubles I am having, as well as talk a little bit about what I've been doing post some wins as few and far between as they may seem.
This season I am tracking my wins on an excel spreadsheet to see how well I am actually doing because for some reason Blizzard doesn't allow individual players to track their statistics from I am aware their are third-party programs that you can mess with but I'm on a Mac, and a lot of them programs are native to PC. It's all ok though because a simple spreadsheet saves a lot of time. So I guess the big question is: 
What do the stats say?
As you can see, the jump for me from Silver to Gold hasn't been a very easy one. The main differences I see between the two leagues are:
- Consistent worker production: You really cant afford to miss SCV's
- Solid Macro: Hitting those benchmarks I've talked about are really important.
- Better micro: I use the word better because there is a clear difference in what I used to play against versus what I see now, but it's nothing amazing.
- More Rushes/Early Timing Attacks: 4 gates, Proxy Thor Rush, Baneling Busts, etc...

I believe pretty strongly that I possess the first three, and use cheese very rarely, but there is one thing that I really need to start focusing on: Scouting.
I need to scout later, and read up on what I should expect to see when I arrive at thier base. After this, I need to react with the proper counter. I tend to speculate on what their going to do, but I never do anything with this information. Unless its something really odd I just continue on with my build, and if their build hits before mine fully mature - I insta-lose. This could be a key to buffing up my win percentage.

I know I shouldn't be locked into builds after talking about reacting to what I see, but unless I scout something funky or familiar that I know how to deal with here are the builds I am using currently:
TvZ: Reactored Hellion --> Cloaked Banshee --> Marine/Marauder/Tank/Medivac
TvP: Bomber's TvP build

Bomber's TvP build is another one that I have learned from Day9's Dailies and it's working pretty well, it's weakness is a 4gate so you need to scout and ditch this build if you see it coming. My next video is going to be covering this exact build and just how much Protoss ass it kicks when you push between the 10-11 minute mark! 

I will probably not be making a blog post about this build, but instead I will just make a video and post it to my Youtube channel The Lost Tutorials

Check back at my channel in the next week or so, or just subscribe, and I should have it up! If there is a certain race you are struggling with, and are in Gold or below, feel free to send me a message and we can work on it. 



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