Thursday, June 7, 2012

Frustrated with TvT?

Here is my go-to build that I have been using for quite some time now in TvT match-ups on mainly 4 person maps, Daybreak squeaks in as a one you can do it on too :)

So I copied this build from Day9, who copied it from Thorzain. It is a build that is very marine heavy, and will be able to get you Stim, Combat Shields, and +1 all before you push out around 10:30 mark. The build is actually very simple, and I will post it for everyone, as well as post a video. Just to do a little breakdown of the strengths/weaknesses of the build:

The Good Stuff:
-Done properly, you will have a HUGE supply lead by the time you push out. In other words, you will have a bigger army then him and you can choose what to do with this advantage. Maybe drop in his main? Or, if you're ballsy enough, just run up his ramp and break the front.
-Low APM build, easy to execute.
-allows you fend off early banshee harass, and others early annoyances.
- Very easy to transition into the mid-game (if your opponent makes it that far)
The Bad Stuff:
-Like most 1 rax fast-expands, tank pushes can be hard to hold if not scouted properly.
-The initial push can be torn apart pretty easily by someone who is stuffing his natural ramp with tanks. (Hint hint: Just drop in his main)
-Siege Tanks
-At your ramp

I don't want to make this sound like some god build because it doesn't win 100% of the time, and if you aren't sharp on reacting to what you see him doing you could lose very easily. This build is very susceptible in the early game so scout, scout, scout.

Here is the build order:
10 supply
12 rax #1
15 Orbital
20 Command Center
22 Rax #2 + 2 Gas(at main) + supply depot
- Rax #3 is build by the SCV that is building Rax #2
-Tech lab Rax #1(combat shields ASAP, then get Stim next), and Reactor on rax #2 ASAP
-Reactor Rax #3 as soon as its done.
~ 40 ebay + factory (start +1 attack once complete)
-Starport immediately after factory completes, and put a reactor on factory.
-Switch the two and quickly get to medivacs out.
Push as soon as medivacs are complete, you should be at around 90-100 supply.

The transition here is for you to choose based on how your first attack went.
-Double upgrades and keep throwing marines at him?
-Switch into a standard marine/tank/viking composition?

I'm sure all of that seems confusing with all of the reactors and tech labs, and whatnot, but to see this build in action I strongly suggest you watch Day9's analysis of the build, you could practice it yourself, or you could check out this lovely video I have made showing the build order in action!
I think its important to note that I actually forgot to get +1,'ll have to watch the video to see the outcome I suppose :)

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