Sunday, April 8, 2012

Momentum before season 7 begins!

Does this record look familiar anyone!?

After a rough day yesterday trying to perfect some builds and dropping all the way to 12th, I used those very same builds but with much greater flow to them by not supply blocking myself or forgetting a production cycle. I even managed to beat 2 gold Zergs!

Today's Record: 7-2

To break it down like I normally do, today only 1 Terran gave me trouble. It was my fault for letting him tech to mass cloak banshees and eventually battlecruisers. I find it strange that I've played at least 2 other TvT's where I end up losing to this hunk of junk in the sky within the last 3 days! The easiest and most obvious way to stop this is to squash them early because it takes a good 12-15 for this to work, which a leaves a TON of time beforehand to win the match. The other loss was a Zerg on Metalopolis who managed to hold off my Six Rax Rush and make the tech switch to roaches; not much I could have done here.

 I've been watching a lot of gameplay, specifically Thorzain, because I like how methodical he plays. His builds after watching them time out perfectly, and this is why I've taken on two of his builds.

TvT 2-1
Here I am using Thorzain's 3 rax opener that allows you to get around 30 marines with Combat Shield, Stim, AND +1 with two medivacs to push out with at the 10 minute mark. I had a hard time believing that you could fit all of that in. It is incredibly strong and can run through even a Terran who is going to fortify his base with tanks. If he can hold your initial push off, you transition into double factory play.
Check it out here: TvT awesomeness 

TvP 1-1
For this matchup, I have gotten comfortable using Halby's 2-1-1 build that makes it very easy to contain a Protoss with sieged tanks, a ton of marines, and a medivac. You wont get any upgrades with the initial 2-3 tank/marine push because you'll be using the money you would spend on upgrades on infantry. This build is really meant to kill the Protoss before collosus pop out, but it makes it easy to transition into the mid-late game because it is a variant of the 1-1-1.
The basic principle of this build is this: You are choosing to have a bigger army that isn't upgraded, instead of a smaller army that would have minimal upgrades. These can produce two totally different outcomes. This is an easy and fun build to do!
Check it out here:  Click to crush the protoss!

TvZ 3-1
So after 6 raxing A LOT, I now acknowledge that I can't use it on big maps because of the time it takes reinforcements to arrive. From now on I will only be using it on the most effective map, Metalopolis. Every other map is bigger than this, so I needed a new build. After watching a couple I chose to learn, and stick to Thorzain's Marine/hellion expand into MTV. Not only is his initial push a great way to do some serious economic damage, but it again is easy to do and just flows smoothly. Just hit all the timings, and it you will CRUSH the Zerg with your second push. 
Check it out here: Zergy Zergy Zergy Yeah!

Now that I feel pretty comfortable against all races, I will be trying to make and post videos of how well I execute them all, and just how well they work overall! 

I'm really hoping that with an MMR in the Gold range that if I can win my placement match I can be moved up after only 1 season in silver! Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I hope you enjoyed reading, and I'll you in season 7!

 Check out my channel!


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