Saturday, April 7, 2012

Today's Record

I played 9 games today, and only have one area that I'm still unsure about. Overall, I feel really good about my play and the builds that I am picking.

My record today: 7-2
4-0 vs. Terran
0-1 vs. Protoss
3-1 vs. Zerg
(I didn't count the win with a match date of "yesteday")

Not dropping a game versus Terran speaks for itself. I'm scouting correctly, stopping drops, denying elevator play, and then putting on pressure of my own. My typical build in this matchup is usually a 2 hellion, 4-marine medivac drop -- expand -- into double factory play. I can set up a contain really quickly and begin upgrade continuously after that. He either runs out of minerals and has to throw all of his troops at my tank wall, or try to drop into a turret ring. I fell like I've gotten this one down for now.

My one and only game against Protoss ended up with me getting crushed. I just didn't have enough to defend his push. This is definitely a match-up that I need to play more defensive in until at least the 9:30 mark when I can get a banshee to his base to harass. Recently, I haven't done much damage at all with 2 rax pressure, and so I'll be switching to what I hope will be an effective strategy. Its going to be a 1-1-1 that techs straight to cloaked banshees so I can harass and try to throw him off his build. In the mid game the strategy is to get a good mix of marine-thor-banshee. I'm hoping this will work because Protoss is starting to become my shaky match.

Just a week ago, seeing that I had been matched up with a Zerg would have made me feel as though I already lost without the match even starting. In all 4 of these games today I opened with my 6 Rax Rush Build. Surprisingly it went unscouted by the Overlord in all of my matches. My initial push didn't win the game outright, but I was able run each opponent out of resources, avoid his busts, and tech up a little bit. One thing I have gotten better at doing is getting a reactored starport earlier, and begin to produce a few tanks to back up my marines. A tank or two is good enough against one base Zerg to keep the contain.
The obvious counter to mass marines are roaches, but only one of my opponents made this switch which I was very suprised at, and that switch resulted in me losing. The others just insisted on trying to stop my push with banelings...

I have had a string of winning days now, and I'm crossing my fingers to be placed in Gold for next season! That would be pretty awesome. Anyways, this win streak and improvement in play has taken me from barely holding top 40 in silver, to here:

If anyone has any solid TvP builds feel free to send them my way because I might be needing them!
Maybe new video tomorrow?
Check out my SC2 Channel here: The Lost Tutorials

Anyone in college reading this right now go check out the CSL (Collegiate Star League). I just found it today, and I'm considering seeing if I could find any interest at my school to register us for the league. It is really cool idea, and there are Ivy League schools involved, as well as smaller schools! Sorry for the length of this post, but I hope it was enjoyable to read.


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