Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Graduation Day!

So my super awesome girlfriend Jenna just graduated from college! <3 She has been working non-stop for the last 4 years in multiple roles around campus, and has done so much in her 4 years at Castleton. I had the opportunity to sit under the tent for the graduation ceremony. Under the tent is where the magic happens, and because the graduating classes have gotten so big there isn't enough room for everyone to actually watch their loved ones graduate.
Her grandparents decided to stay in the theater where they were streaming the entire thing. This was a really cool idea because it kept them out of the heat and away from the insanity that was getting out of under the tent. That is how a ticket opened up for me to use!
I think this picture is awesome, and does a great job of depicting just how excited Jenna was. I also got to see a lot of my other friends as they proceeded in, and got their degrees.

What happens after all the graduates the leave the tent? MASS PICTURE TAKING OF COURSE

So I fulfilled the role of cameraman for a while and Jenna got together with all of her friends.

(She's on the far right, what a cutie!)

On our last day in the Castleton we went to a house party to hang out with a bunch of friends for one last time, and it was a lot of fun in the beginning, until some party-goers got in each others faces and then drama ensued. But nonetheless it was a great last night with some great people.

We got back to the dorms around 4a.m. and got to sleep together in Jenna's room not only on her eggs crates and comfy blankets, but also on my memory foam that I brought over the night before! It. Was. Heaven. We were up around 10a.m. to drop some of my stuff off at her grandparents, and we had lunch with them as well. From here, we took one last full drive through the campus and then we hit the road with the final destination being NJ.

Now, I'm going to be a senior at Castleton next year.
I'm sure you've connected the dots by now. Jenna and I are a year apart. This obviously has several implications for next year. Luckily my schedule worked out really well and I don't have class on Monday(except for 1-1:50), Wednesday, or Friday. I want to try to make it home for a couple weekends in between our five week breaks we get so that I can spend time with Jenna <3. I think we both know how hard it is going to be to be 5 hours away from each other for the next school year, and an hour away from each other over the summer. I know that we can do this. We need to start as soon as we get our graduate school test scores back to pick our schools, and see where we can live together.
Living together has been something that we have always yearned to do. We both know that we would get along so well, and we would be the cutest. Jenna could cook us awesome dinners, and I could do the dishes (because she HATES dishes). She would make the apartment look SO GOOD, and I would probably just keep asking for a room with black walls (not clue why i want this so bad), and her answer would inevitably be no as it always has and probably, for the sake of appearance, should be.

Before getting into an apartment together, we both know that we have some pretty monstrous obstacles to tackle, both individual and as a couple, but I am so positive in knowing that we can do this. Getting to spend the last 2 years dating Jenna have been the most amazing of my life. She makes me feel special, loved, cared for, any word you could think of. She just makes me feel complete. I know that she will do great in finding a job for the next year, and rocking out the classes she will be taking in preparation for graduate school. I know that WE will stay just as strong apart as we have been together, and nothing can break the bond that we share with each other. I just know it.

We are perfect for each other in every way possible.

I love you Jenna <3

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie, thank you. <3
    Also, I already said we could probably put a black wall or two somewhere, but I think that we should make it a chalkboard wall. :)
    I love you so much.
