Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Help Me.

So I'm in Silver league now, hooray!

However, I just keep getting my ass kicked. I'm starting to question my builds, and just get frustrated. For any terrans out there, please give me your opening builds for each race. Also, do you ever put on early pressure, or just wait to hold off their first 7 or 8 minute attack?
There aren't many builds that terran can win in the early game with like a 6 pool from zerg, or cannon rush from protoss...we can really only harass.
TvP - 2 rax pressure with almost never win you the game, you'll be lucky to take out a stalker and maybe a zealot as well.
TvZ - bunker rush can be effective against someone who doesn't know how to defend it, but most people in silver are making lings before they finished droning up, which this opening slightly relies on.
TvT - Not much going on here.

My final conclusion would be that I need to just keep building up an army at home because trying to pressure is only going to put me behind, hence why I get steamrolled after I try to pressure.

I'll probably be sticking around the base until the almost standard 7 or 8 minute attack. If I'm still getting my ass kicked after this, I don't even know.

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