Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bronze League Openings

So, yes, you've probably already judged me for admitting that I am in Bronze league but if you are struggling figuring out how to win consistently as Terran, then please take the time to read this post. I believe it will at least give you a solid build against all races, and if not then maybe you haven't seen this version of a build and can add it to your list!

For this match-up unless I scout something really funky or they are rushing me I use a 1-1-1 build.
10 supply
12 rax--> make 2 marines, and scout
13 gas
16 Orbital
16 Supply to finish wall
@100 gas build factory--Tech lab as soon as finished
20 Starport
22 rax
~24 switch factory and Starport--**Start cloak research first**, then make 2 banshees
-Send Banshees to do damage to their mineral line around 9:30 minutes
CC ~10 minutes and expand behind your next push.

One of the big advantages to this build is that you can really do what ever you want from here based on what you see early on from scouting, and then from what you'll see from the banshee harass. A lot of the time I will add another rax, factory, and go with a standard marine/tank/medivac. Adjust your unit composition to counter what you see from the numerous times you will get a peek at his base.

Here I use a 3-rax expand that holds up SUPER well against what you'll most commonly be facing, which is probably some sort of stalker, zealot, sentry combo. You also won't have to worry about dark templar play because I put a raven in the mix that negates them being permanently cloaked, plus you'll also have scans.
10 supply
12 rax -- *Scout here* make 1-2 marines, then get a reactor
13 gas
15/16 Orbital
16 supply to finish wall
17 rax -- tech lab once done; research Stim first
24 rax -- tech lab once done; research combat shields second, then concussive last
25 factory
31 Starport--tech lab once done, make a raven
--Make sure you are constantly producing marines and marauders.
**Around 9:30 you should start a CC, and push out with your army. All upgrades should be done by the time you get to their base. Lift you CC off to your natural so you can expand while you put on some pressure/destroy their natural, or contain them in their base.

This is definitely my WEAKEST match, and one that I need to work on myself, but this build should bring you success against the lower leagues.I got this build from TerranSpecialistSC2, who is a GM Terran player on the NA server, and it is a hellion-harass into 3 tank timing push. Phew, I know that might sound like a lot, but it works once you get it down.
10 supply
12 rax make 2 marines, then @ 50 gas make a reactor
13 gas
15 Orbital
16 supply to finish wall
18 factory
-Here you want to swap your factory and rax, then make 4 hellions. Send them to his base to harass, contain, but most importantly keep them alive.
--Put a tech lax on the swapped rax.
21- CC
-After the 4 hellions are made, switch the two back and begin making tanks. Get siege mode for them.
Around the 9 minute mark, or when you have 3 tanks, you should push out. Expand behind this as well.
**Check out TerranSpecialist's video for an example of this build because he does it a lot better than I do. Check it out here, and try not to be to intimated by all clicks and highlighting he does :P

I will be posting videos of how I do these build in some live matches soon, and post them here from my Channel. Hope these can give everyone some success, or help you out getting some easy builds under your belt. Let me know how they work for you!
Videos coming soon!


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