Saturday, September 15, 2012

TvP 2-Rax poke into 2-1-1 all-in

Hey there!

As promised, I have made a tutorial for the build that I talked about in my last post and that I used all during season 8 to a get a TvP win rate of 63%!

Here is the build order:

10 supply
12 rax
14 gas
15 OC + marine (reactor after marine)
16 rax #2 (tech lab right after)
17 supply

^^that is all you need to set up the poke.

-It's just a poke, try not to lose all of your units
-Push with your first marauder
-constant 2 marine 1 marauder production
-rally to the front of his base(or a marauder)
- Decide based on what you see whether you will keep harassing or head home to build up an army.

In the event that the poke didn't win the game (which it won't a lot of the time)
- take 2nd gas + factory (add tech lab once done)
- build starport right after
- goal is to push with 3 tank (siege finished), 1 medivac, and a ball of army.
- tech lab on starport-start banshee as you push out.
- Lastly, pull 8-12 SCVs and get over to his base ASAP.

Good luck and I hope this build brings you a lot of success!

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