Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Season 8 Update - Games 50-100

I know that at this point I'm basically behind on everything I said I was going to do. :( Sorry about that. There wont be too much substance to this post because I've already dug into games 100-150, so remembering what the meta-game was like, and what I saw a lot of over the span of these games is tough.

There are two main observations that I have made while playing since I got back though.

In TvT, I've been facing a lot of cloaked banshee openings, which is fine by me because they are fairly easy to counter with good turret placement and saved scan. Good news! I have been doing much better in reacting to my opponent rather than going into robot mode and just doing the build.

If my opponent is going to one base I just simply match him and use a 1 base build until I can get a contain/push him away -->then expand. Doing a 1 rax FE against a 1 base terran is pretty difficult to hold off with your limited army, premature economy, and lack of tech. I believe I make better choices when it comes to micro, and so that is why I let our economies stay the same and let the game hinge on out micro.

My go-to 1 base build is either cloaked banshee opening as well, or a 111 push when I get the first viking to pop.

In TvP, I've been playing some pretty quick games...like 7 or 8 minutes. No, I'm not using a cheese build. I'm sure many of you are aware of the 2 rax poke as it is pretty standard nowadays, but for those of you that aren't this little bit of harassment can win you the game outright if your opponent is teching too fast.

This opening, along with a solid follow up to it is what I will be hopefully sometime soon be making a video about.

Nothing too impressive in the stats this time, but here they are:

Like I said, not impressive, but if I can improve on the little things, I'm hoping that I can achieve a more steady win rate over all of the races.

I will put out this damn TvP video...perhaps I will do it tonight -still camera shy even though it's only my voice : X

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