Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bronze Build Orders - TvZ


So I know that in my Bronze Build Orders post, I put that I use a 3 tank timing push and I also posted a link to a video of a GM Terran who uses it. Well, I've been trying to use another build that I got off of from a guy named Hammer. I just recently used his build in a TvZ and it DESTROYED. So I guess I am beginning to expand off of only knowing one build per race, and I can finally begin to have options (yay!).

Here is the "Hammer Ups" Build Order
10 supply
12 rax
14 rax
--save up enough gas to put down both refineries at once and then drop them
--next 150 minerals makes an orbital
--save up another 100 gas, and then put tech labs on both barracks and begin to pump out 8 reapers.
24 factory
25 starport--make a medivac as soon as its done.

Take your reapers over and attack his mineral line first. Obviously reapers can jump up and down cliffs so please don't take them right up his front door. PLEASE! It won't work.

As you're harassing you should have a CC in the works, building barracks, and begin to start making marines and transitioning into marine/tank/viking.

At the bronze level, this can stop a lot of Zerg and win the game. It punishes greedy Zergs who like to fast expand. This build in leagues as high as diamond turns into a way to slow down their economy, giving you the opportunity to take the lead.

I will post a video of my own breaking it down, but if you want to to check out Hammer's page go ahead. He has a lot of good tutorials!


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