Friday, July 6, 2012

21st Birthday Awesomeness

 So this one won't be ANYTHING about StarCraft 2 because, as you read from the title, I just celebrated my 21st Birthday!

I got to do so many cool things, and hang out with so many people. So here's how my day broke down:
July 4th - Got up bright and early and headed to Sands Casino in Bethlehem, PA so I could do some gambling, check out the bar, and check out all the table games. Its only been open for 2 years or so and it looks beautiful on the outside, and even nicer on the inside. It was built on old Bethlehem Steel facility, and I think it was a great use of the space to bring some life back to area. 
After the morning casino session with my family and co, we went back to my house for a BBQ and pool party where we hung out for a little while longer.
Once all of the family left, I went back to Sands with Jenna so check into a room that my parents generously rented for us to be able to have a place to go back to after we have some more drinks on the floor. We checked into our room around 9pm and from out window we were able to watch an unbelievable fireworks show. We could see professional shows, backyards bricks being lit off, and just watching the sky light up. It was a pretty spectacular moment.

I only lost $20 in the morning on the slots, so I had plenty to play with for the evening session. Jenna and I spent some time ordering drinks at the bar, and after getting out first $14 bill for 2 drinks we decided it would be wiser to pay $1 each time we get a drink from the waitresses walking around the slots! It worked out great as we were able to get...I  don't 6 free drinks together? That would have cost a FORTUNE at the bar, so smart move on our part. Unfortunately I wasn't able to hit it big on my birthday, and we ended up feeding the machines about $100. I had a drunken blast doing it though! I'm probably done playing slots for while, and I'm sure not a lot of you know this about me, but I played a lot of online poker before it was shut down. I was very eager to just watch the live poker tables. Of course I wanted to play, but I was A. Intimidated and B. not willing to break my rule of playing poker while I drink. I know that sounds cheesy, but I play poker to win against others and I need a clear head to try to do that. I don't have a problem playing slots and drinking because there is nothing I can do to beat the house without all luck because they have the edge. I hope that makes sense.
Next time I go I will sit down and play, but it being my first time in the casino I was just a little to nervous and anxious to play.
Slot machines lined all of the walkways. 1 cent, 2 cent, $.25, $1, $2, and I think I saw a $5 slot!

I LOVED the lighting. It was easy on the eyes and just looked awesome. Those curved wooden pieces surrounded the bar which was located right in the middle of the floor.

My girlfriend Jenna and I played a lot of slots, and took advantage of the free drinks! We mainly stuck to 2 cent slots because then we could lose money slower :D
The poker section. They had PLENTY of $1/$2, 2-5, and I even saw a table of 10-20 :O
Just another angle. I looked really well put together, and I'm excited to sit down at a table next time.

July 5th - So my parents had told me in their card that I opened on the 4th that their present was a surprise and I wouldn't get to experience it until the next day. So 6 pm rolls around on July 5th, and we all hop in the car and I have to close my eyes until we get there -_-

We get out and I have no clue where I am until i see a sign on the wall that says "Hunterdon Ballooning" -- I'M GOING ON A BALLOON RIDE?!
Yes, my parents had bought me a spot on a balloon, and they would be chasing me in their car. After the pilot offered 1/2 price for someone else to go up with me my little brother Ryan asked, asked again, until he finally cracked and semi-agreed to do. I think he was a little afraid of what he was getting himself into, but in the end must have loved it. Here's only a few shots of that adventure:
Me and my little brother Ryan! There was a total of 5 people including the pilot in that little basket.

"Smokin' Joe" was a friend of the pilot of the balloon, and he flew around in circles and drew smoke rings around us. THAT was a really cool/slightly terrifying experience.

We took off with that balloon that was flying for the same guy. We ended up so far apart!

This was probably one of the highest points we flew too. I was comfortable by now, and the view was AMAZING.
The balloon ride on top of everything else really was an amazing experience. I got to do and see so much, and do all of it with everyone that I love. I would say those were a pretty amazing 2 days. I will be thanking everyone that took part in, helped make possible, gave me presents, or just wished me a happy 21st for a while. I loved every second of it.

PS - Back to StarCraft 2 videos/posts shortly. I haven't played in a week or so. Gold is going to be kicking my ass for a WHILE to come.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had such a great birthday sweetheart! The casino was a lot of fun, even if there was a significant amount of money lost. :/
